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Fixed: Chat room continuously reports "0 user currently chatting"

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  Fixed: Chat room continuously reports "0 user currently chatting"

Posted: November 21, 2009, 9:52 AM Post
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Posts: 97
After some serious chat downtime, Yuku has temporarily deployed an old version of chat. The most significant issue is that chatrooms are reporting "0 user currently chatting" whether people are in the room or not.

During tomorrow's game, you might want to use the in-game thread to mention that you're in the room. I'm not sure what to suggest if you want to use the room at other times. A sign-in thread?

Another thing you may notice is that when you enter the room, the previous few lines of chat will appear. That's how it was when we first migrated to Yuku.

  Fixed: Chat room continuously reports "0 user currently chatting"

Posted: January 07, 2010, 10:39 AM Post
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The official word from Yuku is that "chat does work, it just doesn't work the way you are used to because it is a different version." In other words, the powers see no pressing need to fix this. I've let Yuku know that I feel this explanation "insults people's intelligence."

In the meantime, I've used CSS to hide the number of chatters. If it's always going to display "0 users chatting," it may as well not display at all. If someone thinks this is a lousy idea, feel free to chime in. Image

  Fixed: Chat room continuously reports "0 user currently chatting"

Posted: January 15, 2010, 4:51 AM Post
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Posts: 97
Now that the season is over, chat is (allegedly) fixed.
Quoth Yuku:
Hello friends,

The following fixes have been made to our chat rooms:

* The option to choose your chat icon is back.
* You can now use up to 512 characters when typing, you will no longer be cut off in the middle of a sentence.
* Usernames and user count is showing again
* The last lines are no longer staying in chat. New arrivals will not see remaining lines from previous chats.

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